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GreenBlocks (Under Construction)
The Blockchain 4.0

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GreenBlocks is a next-generation Blockchain with its own native cryptocurrency, the GreenGoldCoin token.

GreenBlocks has rethought the features that a Blockchain must deliver, from native support to multi-signature wallets, divisible assets, mining based on a sustainable natural source, multidimensional block paths and many other incredible developments.

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The consensus system on GreenBlocks is based on atomic clocks to generate blocks as milliseconds are created, so in GreenBlocks, every second 1,000 blocks are generated, which can have up to 1,000 transactions in this version, but could be extended according to the needs of the projects.

One of the most innovative features of GreenBlocks is the native support for IoT devices, which allows traceability of different elements fed by the information generated from different locations and devices on the Internet of Things ecosystem.

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GreenBlocks is a Blockchain 4.0 based on sustainable resources and with native support to multiple cryptocurrencies without the need for an additional smartcontract.

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